Your questions

Your questions


How to get businesses involved in the loyalty program? What hardware is needed to use this solution?

Rely on our expertise, we answer to all your questions!

Questions before launching the program

From our experience, the most virtuous system for cities is the cashback program .
For example, 3% of your immediate purchase can be used for next

The important thing is not the number but the motivation! It is better to start the program with a core of really motivated shops to ensure a successful launch. Other merchants can join the program over time.

A program can be launched in less than 2 months ! Once again, it depends on your motivation and the time you devote to the launch of the loyalty program.

The ideal is to have a coordinator / animator who has some time to follow the setup and then animate the Territory.
Obviously, (s)he is not alone : we provide technical support and a project manager to ensure the success of the program.

Setting up the platform

To access the platform, at a point of sale or at home, an Internet connection and a screen (computer, cash register PC, tablet, smartphone) are sufficient.

Yes, thanks to our APIs we can connect to any existing system. Still, in practice, the cash systems of merchants being very varied, collective programs are rarely integrated. This does not penalize the use as the software interface is designed for easiness and efficiency.

Yes, we can set up loyalty cards compatible with parking meters in the city center (Parkeon Flowbird, IEM, etc.). This investment encourages cardholders to shop downtown by offering them free parking.

Cash management

Money is not hold nor managed by Adelya. Cardholders’ money is to be stored in a dedicated bank account, you would open and dedicate to consumer savings . This account is yours, and should only be used for the sole purpose of cashback management operations. Thanks to this account, the merchant is guaranteed to receive the credit he has recovered from a consumer’s card.

The Loyalty Operator platform makes it possible to facilitate financial operations in complete security thanks to the generation of SEPA direct debits online documents. The software computes the amounts of direct debits and transfers to be made on the accounts of each merchant, and generates the SEPA documents with the right amount, you just have to send it to the bank. Your cash flow is thus simplified, fair and equitable !

Merchants have access to the distribution and evolution of their own customer base (i.e. the program participants who actually visited their shop). They can track the number of transactions, the average basket per customer, the purchase history of its customers, etc.

Arguments to convince city merchants

The loyalty program itself is good for the shop as it incentives the consumer to make more purchases in the participating shops.

The collective loyalty card brings in new customers who did not know the shop before and who want to accumulate advantages with participating merchants. The citizens recruited in the program by some other shops will probably learn your existence and become new customers for you!

In addition, all businesses are registered on a common Store Locator on the Internet to be easily identified by citizens, which gives more traffic thus visibility to their business. With the collective loyalty program, the merchant benefits from better online visibility and boosts his in-store traffic!

The common action conveys a positive image of the local business, with merchants actively building a pleasant city life.

All these collective actions make it possible to fight against consumer evasion.

No, if the Association allows it, participating merchants can manage their own customer base independently. For example, they can publish special offers , organize a flash sale, send a newsletter , text messages to their customers, etc.

This is not a problem ! The loyalty card is already an effective marketing lever. Then, the Commercial Union carries out global revitalization actions that benefit the entire ecosystem! For example, it can organize a special Christmas rafflea challenge to encourage citizens to shop in as many shops as possible, offer “ happy hours ”, such as doubling points on Thursdays, etc.

You decide your business model. The most commonly used and accepted by merchants is based on management fees on the turnover captured by the card. The management fees are decided by the collective (1% to 2% on average) when the program is set up. You can also decide to invoice a fixed monthly amount.

Using the card in the store

No, identifying and managing loyalty is quick and easy. The merchant reads the loyalty card on a reader, the customer file is displayed on the cash register screen, he simply has to enter the amount of the purchases and the loyalty advantage is automatically calculated!

When a customer wishes to benefit from their loyalty advantages, the payment occurs as a payment reduction at the checkout. The reduction is compensated by the Commercial Union which reimburses the merchant for this benefit used.

If a consumer has already made a purchase with his card in the shop, all you have to do is enter the telephone number or email address to find his customer file and credit or debit his wallet.

Card holders

Yes, this is the principle of collective loyalty! Consumers earn and burn their advantages with the member merchants of their choice. It is precisely this virtuous circle that will allow them to develop their customer base, their store traffic and their turnover!

With such a virtuous system, all merchants in the network are likely to generate earnings and bring the money back.

We offer many functions to boost in-store traffic: a Click and Collect service , a gift card , a Store Locator where businesses are geolocated and good deals published… They also have a personal space available where they can consult their loyalty balance, change their personal information and communication preferences.

We do not use your customer data. We also do not resell them to third parties. The global database belongs to the Association carrying the project and to the member merchants that make it up.